Our Story

How it started...

Many years ago, we began asking questions about our faith. As parents, we felt a responsibility not just to grow closer in our relationship with God, but also to properly teach our children the truth of God's Word. We started spending more time in the Bible, and as we read, we became convicted that some aspects our lives did not align with the Scriptures. We felt the Holy Spirit calling us to walk a different path to:

  • Explore the Hebrew roots of our faith,
  • Learn about our identity as a part of God's people Israel,
  • Observe commandments that we had been taught were done away with or did not apply to Believers in Yeshua, and
  • Seek out our Messiah not just in the New Testament, but through the foundation established in the Torah, Prophets, and Writings of the Old Testament.

Expanding the vision...

We said "yes," and the journey changed our lives. Our faith became faithfulness. That decision to journey down a road less traveled was not easy, but we also could not deny that God was leading us down this path. Along the way, we have met so many wonderful people with very similar testimonies - each on their own journey of faith and growth - an incredible affirmation of the Holy Spirit stirring up revival in our midst.
As God allowed us to learn and grow in the truth of His Word through fellowship and ministry, it became clearer and clearer that our learning and growth in God's instructions was not just for us, but more importantly, it was to bless the next generation - "that the generation to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children, that they may set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments" (Psalm 78:6-7).

Where we are headed...

This principle lies at the heart of Netser of Hope. We are a family-centric congregation with a calling to hold fast to the testimony of Yeshua our Messiah while keeping God's commandments. We want to honor our Creator by supporting and encouraging families and individuals exploring the Hebraic roots of their faith while growing closer to our Savior. We strive to train up our children in the way they should go while providing encouragement and opportunity for each generation to impart wisdom on the next generation and so on. Finally, we seek to serve the needs of the Body in our community, seek out and feed His sheep, and live out the gospel by shining His light for all to see.